Informatie bier - Information beer - Information bière


    ID: 3319

    Voor Internationaal Straatkunstenfestival Trezar in Mol (website)

  • Brouwerij - Brewery - Brasserie:
    Wolf - vroeger Lupus - Begijnendijk
  • Bierstijl - Beer style - Style de bière : Blonde ale
  • Alcohol: 7.2 %

  • Info from the brewer:
    This beer, specially developed for the International street arts festival 'Trezart', is artistic madness in a bottle! A golden specialty beer top fermentation with secondary fermentation in bottle and with a full and compact head. Balanced with a full taste which coexist perfectly with the fruity and vinous aromas from the scent. Impressions of apricot and peach, followed by a pleasant dry bitterness, give this beer a strong thirst-quenching ability. The aroma of orange peel in the aftertaste is perfectly complemented by a subtle presence of alcohol.

  • Website brouwer/brewery/brasseur:
  • Email brouwer/brewery/brasseur:

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